In the digital age Current Witch Historical Sites we perhaps believe that witches no longer exist but in as villains in stories starting with Once Upon a Time. But the plain fact is they were real. Witches lived as humans were wont to do. And the evidence is up for your scrutiny. Anyone who was found to belong to a coven, or associated with one, was bound to receive unimaginable punishment. History helps us revisit famous sites where they once walked.

Italy has had it’s fair share of dark history too. In Triora, a valley close to the French border, there’s an ancient feeling to the place. Until now, it’s very famous for its witchie history of Current Witch Historical Sites. The period of 16th century was marked by the Inquisition in this place. There were shortages in the crops harvest, and witches were blamed and suspected to have undergone sacrificial rituals for the devil. La Cabotina is the area were they were said to have performed these dark rituals. Once proven, the “witches” were tortured and burned alive.
Located in the once called Salem Village in Danvers, Boston, it houses a full account of the Salem Witch Trials. Since the 1300s, Europe was seized by a need to exterminate creatures who practiced the Devil’s magic .After Current Witch Historical Sites it waged war with France on American lands, the latter’s resources dwindled and a new reverend was chosen. When 3 young girls started acting unusually by having fits, three older women were blamed as the culprits. Two admitted innocence, but the third said she “signed” the book of the devil. By the end of it all, 20 out of 200 people were accused and executed for practicing witchcraft, mostly women.
Often called the cradle of witchcraft in Mexico, it is a famous tourist destination. The town features a lake, which has been present at the unfolding of its dark history. Since the Pre-Hispanic period, the “brujos” or witch or sorcerer in their language have been said to practice the white and dark magic. It is believed that their powers increase every 1st Friday of March and become purified. This day has since become a popular holiday.
Another tourist destination in Pisa Italy, legend says that the oldest and most powerful witches once walked these lands, who met every Saturday night near the stone of Madringa.
What happened in Val Camonica between 1505-1521 were two long and painful witch trials in Italian history, claiming the lives of more than a 100 people. The first trial occurred in 1505. Despite being largely a pagan area, “Devil heresy” was banned and those practicing it were put to death. Chroniclers report 64 executions, mainly through burning of Current Witch Historical Sites . The second trial started in 1518, claiming another 60+ lives.
These are a series of caves of limestone caverns in the Wookey Hole Village, Somerset, England. Legend has it that a witch once lived in the depths of the caves, spoiling romantic relationships through casting spells and curses. She was exorcised by a monk. Her remains can be seen in the first chamber of her abode.
The witches of Benevento has made the whole town a famous historical site. Their history dates back to the 13th century. It is said that Benevento once housed the Cult of Isis. The hunt began in the 15th century when Malleus Maleficarum, a book that centers on recognizing witches, was published.